Career Test Experts  

Careers For ISFJs

Princess Diana
The People's Princess

Mother Teresa
Advocate and helper of the poor, Nobel Peace Prize 1979

ISFJs prefer careers where:

*  Management provides specific and realistic directions  
*  The work itself is personally meaningful and has value  
*  Decisions and actions at work are in sync with your personal values  
*  The work offers plenty of opportunities to make decisions  
*  You are able to maintain control over your projects  
*  The work is more detail oriented than big picture and strategic  
*  You can apply your natural ability to focus and concentrate, rather than multitasking  
*  The environment, culture and pace allow you to consider things fully before having to respond  
*  The work allows you to work at a careful steady pace  
*  The work allows you adequate private time to work alone and to concentrate  
*  The work is realistic, down to earth, and practical, rather than abstract and theoretical  
*  The work allows you to utilize your strong memory to recall details, facts, and people  
*  The work is focused on the Now not the Future, on what is rather than what could be  
*  The atmosphere allows you to be warm and caring and to build strong interpersonal relationships  
*  The work allows you to utilize your natural ability to provide others with direction and supervision  
*  The environment is more structured and disciplined, being on time and following procedure is considered important  

See 104 careers that are proven to be a good fit for ISFJs

Plus the 30 careers ISFJs should avoid

Get the ISFJs Personality Career Mapper Now

and discover the career direction that is right for you

Only $12.00


The 16 Personality Types


Careers for the 16 Types


For a complete understanding of ISFJs, check out the
"Advanced Personality Type Career Report."

Here are just a few of the things it includes:

  • A full description of the ISFJ type and what each letter means
  • The 104 best careers for ISFJs
  • The 30 careers ISFJs must avoid
  • What drives and motivates ISFJs
  • What ISFJs value the most in life
  • Specific advice for ISFJs for getting along better with other types
  • The natural strengths and weaknesses found in most ISFJs
  • What ISFJs commonly do to sabotage their career and their relationships
  • What changes in behavior and interests can ISFJs expect as they approach mid life

Only $35.00

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