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Personality Type

All About the ESFJ Personality Type

Danny Glover

Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Star Trek)
Doctor to the crew of Star Trek

Description of ESFJs

ESFJ's are considered the "Supporters" or the "Providers" of the 16 types.

They are very sociable and nuturing and helping people comes naturally to them.

They tend to be well organized.

ESFJ's have a special skill at bringing out the best in others. They are extremely good at reading others, and understanding their point of view.

In groups they will work towards building harmony amongst the team members.

They visibly support and respect rules, regulations, traditions and authority.

You will see them in supportive roles in civic organizations, government, and social organizations.

ESFJ's are outgoing and people oriented. They are warm, sympathetic and easy to get to know.

ESFJs prefer careers where:
  • Management provides specific and realistic directions
  • The work itself is personally meaningful and has value
  • Decisions and actions at work are in sync with your personal values
  • The work offers plenty of opportunities to make decisions
  • You are able to maintain control over your projects
  • The work allows you the opportunity to work with and meet a wide variety of people, rather than working alone most of the time
  • The work moves at a rapid, exciting pace
  • The environment and culture gives you opportunities to think through your ideas by talking about them
  • The job is action oriented and provides for a wide variety of activities rather than being highly focused on a few tasks
  • The work is realistic, down to earth, and practical, rather than abstract and theoretical
  • The work allows you to utilize your strong memory to recall details, facts, and people
  • The work is focused on the Now not the Future, on what is rather than what could be
  • The atmosphere allows you to be warm and caring and to build strong interpersonal relationships
  • The work allows you to utilize your natural ability to provide others with direction and supervision
  • The environment is more structured and disciplined, being on time and following procedure is considered important

The 16 Personality Types


Careers for the 16 Types


For a complete understanding of ESFJs, check out the
"Advanced Personality Type Career Report."

Here are just a few of the things it includes:

  • A full description of the ESFJ type and what each letter means
  • The 109 best careers for ESFJs
  • The 16 careers ESFJs must avoid
  • What drives and motivates ESFJs
  • What ESFJs value the most in life
  • Specific advice for ESFJs for getting along better with other types
  • The natural strengths and weaknesses found in most ESFJs
  • What ESFJs commonly do to sabotage their career and their relationships
  • What changes in behavior and interests can ESFJs expect as they approach mid life

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